Reach Your Goals With Personalised Group Nutrition

Group Nutrition with Personalised Support

Personalisation is the key to achieving our nutrition goals. Why? Because everyone is different, from their genetic make-up to lifestyle, likes, dislikes and goals. So, how can we achieve the benefits a personalised strategy through a group program?

Together, The Marlow Club and Jessica May Nutrition, are launching a group program which also looks to support you at an individual level.

Lead nutritionist, Jessica May, is both BANT & CNHC registered and will be heading up a topic focused group nutrition program from January 2023 which be available both online and in person at The Marlow Club. The topics will range from a broad holistic approach working through to fat loss, your gut health, menopause support as well as monitoring your blood glucose response. Find a topic to suit your goal.

  • Diet & lifestyle recommendations from a Registered Nutritional Therapist.

    Live weekly Q&A

    Live weekly recommendations followed by weekly handouts with information and recommendations.

    Recipe booklet.

    Personalised Health Questionnaire, food/mood/lifestyle journal

    a personalised breakdown of your nutrient profile & a personalised E-booklet on what and how to achieve your goal.

    30 minute telephone 1:1 support.

    Recommended supplements and testing at an individual level.

    Nutritional therapist will comment on food logged, give you tips, reminders and tasks at an individual level.

    10% off all supplements recommended.

    Optional Bolt on: £50 for 45 minute 1:1 coaching support.

On the first Tuesday of every month you can join a free nutrition talk to hear about our topic of choice. The program runs for 6 weeks and is priced at £40 a week. We will kick off with An Holistic Approach to Nutrition and Fat Loss on January 9th.

What will you expect to get out of the program?

Learn about the science behind nutrition using a functional medicine, evidence based approach to nutrition. We will aim to educate you on what to eat and when; how you can break long engrained habits and how to fuel your body for your lifestyle and needs. We will empower you to create new habits that will feel easy, enjoyable and long-lasting.

A personalised approach will remain throughout - groups are capped to 8 people, everyone will get individual support and targeted guidance.

Click below to register your interest and get your first class access.


The assumption that we are all identical machines, and that we all respond to foods in the same way, is the most prevalent and dangerous myth about foods
— Tim Spector

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